
Browse Cases

To browse all cases you own, click “Cases” button on the navigation bar. To browse all cases of a patient, go to that patient’s details(see patient details).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Refresh case list
  2. Filter case list
  3. Browser your own case list (default)
  4. Browse cases who have been shared with you
  5. Browse cases who you shared with other users
  6. Browse case details
  7. Delete case (only present if that particular case has no DICOM and X-Ray)

Add a New Case

To add a new case, click “Add Case” button on a patient’s details page (see Patient details).


All mandatory fields must be filled. Other fields can be filled optionally. Click “Save” button to add a new case to a patient. If a new case is created successfully you will be redirected to that particular case’s details page.

Case Details

To browse or update a particular case’s details, click that case’s name on case list (see Browse Cases).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Save case details (for updating changes in case information above)
  2. Medical imaging list for that particular patient
  3. Browse x-rays belongs to this case
  4. Browser DICOMs belongs to this case
  5. Refresh images
  6. Add x-ray (only present in X-Rays tab)
  7. Open sharing panel for that particular x-ray
  8. Browse x-ray details
  9. Delete x-ray (only present if you are the owner of this x-ray)
  10. Go to drawing page of that particular x-ray