Entries by sehmuzisin

Drawing Interactions

Click2Correct application’s drawing screen includes several drawing tools. This article explains visual output and interaction logic behind them. Colors Color logic for drawing objects: Calibration objects: blue when unselected, purple when selected (see marker 1) Calibration menu item will be green if current medical image calibrated (see marker 2) Other objects: green and yellow when […]


Add DICOM Files To add DICOMs to Click2Correct you just need to drag and drop DICOM file(s) or folder(s)(Folder drag and drop works only in Google Chrome). Here is a screenshot of Click2Correct while uploading and processing DICOM files: Explanation of markings: Information bar about DICOM uploading and processing. Optionally, you can select DICOM files […]


  Explanation of markings: This text box is used for searching measurement templates. Some of the measurement templates from the literature are grouped by their related region.

Calibration Tools

Explanation of markings: Adds a Linear Calibration object to the drawing. Linear calibration object is used for calibrating the image from a linear length with a known real length (commonly a radiopaque ruler). Adds a Circular Calibration object to the drawing. Circular Calibration object is used for calibrating the image from a circle with a […]

Cutting Tools

Allows user to cut (marking 1) or copy (marking 2) an area from the x-ray to simulate the fracture reduction or osteotomy. Cut-in-Cut feature: you can cut or copy from a part of an x-ray which had been cut or copied before.

Measurement Tools

Explanation of markings: Adds a Simple Line object to the drawing. Simple Line is used for measuring the distance between two points. Adds a Center Line Finder object to the drawing. Center Line Finder measures the distance between two points. Its difference from Simple Line is two helper line is used while determining points. Two […]

Template Helper

Click2Correct has a powerful feature that aims to assist its users when adding measurement tools, cutting tools, calibration tools and templates to the drawing. This feature will be explained with an example. Say you have an x-ray like that and you want to calibrate it (see Calibration Tools): When you select the Circular Calibration, a […]

Image Edit Tools

Explanation of markings: Decrease image size Increase image size Rotate selected layer right Rotate selected layer left Decrease opacity of selected layer Increase opacity of selected layer Slider for adjusting image size Slider for rotating selected layer Slider for adjusting opacity of selected layer