Measurement Tools
Explanation of markings:
- Adds a Simple Line object to the drawing. Simple Line is used for measuring the distance between two points.
- Adds a Center Line Finder object to the drawing. Center Line Finder measures the distance between two points. Its difference from Simple Line is two helper line is used while determining points. Two points of Center Line Finder can only be moved on perpendicular direction of helper lines.
- Add a Diameter Circle to the drawing. A Diameter Circle is used for determining the diameter of a circle which is bounded to 3 specific points that can be adjustable by user.
- Adds a V Angular Measurement object to the drawing. V Angular Measurement is the most basic angular measurement tool in the application. It determines the acute angle between two lines with a joint point.
- Adds a T Angular Measurement object to the drawing. Basically it determines acute angle between two lines. Difference is while points of first line can be moved freely, one point of second line can only be moved on the direction of first line.